An hourglass that visualizes how your time is spent
Sources from: Gallup and StudyFinds
The ratio of work to family is almost 11 to 1
How might we visualize time and keep the work-life balance?
8 years old
Jason's father is a businessman. His father gave the family everything except time, his father is always working and never remember his birthday. Next week is father's day, this situation is going to be changed.
In Jason’s memory, his father never remembers his birthday. His father is always working.
This situation doesn't change at all in Jason's 7-year-old birthday, Jason's mother decided to take an intervention. His mother bought the hourglass already, and it's time to hand it to his father.
His father is confused, he doesn’t know what that means.
After he sees this, he suddenly realizes this is a symbol, he can't let his family drowned.
He flips it over, giving the family a breath, and calls his wife.
After the phone call, all his happy memories emerge, and all of a sudden he realizes he can’t sacrifice his family for work, he has to find a balance.